Picaro, jazz and flamenco...
Went to a jazz club Picaro with Julie, where we met up with one of my friends and and her compañero from argentina. Julie was a bit uncomfortable, and I felt bad but I loved the environment. Need more of it I think. More smokey jazz, red wine and less structured nonsense. After a nice encounter with a guy while waiting for the restroom (he let me into the guys room so I didn’t have to wait in line for the girls room) we went to a flamenco bar in the corner of nowhere in the moorish section. Dark wood and damp streets, flamenco music, not live but good enough. Names scratched into the tables, dusty streetlamp style lights inside and brief yet wonderful conversation. Pienso que neccesito ir al albayzin mas. The people generally seem to be much more laid back than in el centro, but then again, need to hold onto your wallet!
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