alternate universe?

Walked around the albyzin today and the arab markets with Laura, Julie and Laura’s new roommate. We walked all around sacramonte and saw gypsies playing music. Took lots of pictures of the alhambra too.bought earrings from a nice guy at the arab markets who asked me where in the states we were from. Were home by 2 for lunch. Went to a teteria with laney, sarah and mateo. Stopped by another apartment and picekd up Oscar. Mateo might move in there. We hoisted a couch up onto the roof of their house today, the first time the rope snapped but the second time we tried it it worked out fine. We left for the teteria at around 9pm. Mateo and I split a crepe and drank darjeeling tea. Sara left to go salsa dancing. Mateo, oscar, laney and I invited the musicians from the teteria back to laney’s house for dinner. We went grocery shopping and bought pasta andv vegetales. We went back to her house and cooked up a wonderufl feast of pasta and vegetables. Her neighbors came over who are professional flamenco guitarrists and played/sang for us till 1am. We drank wine and ate our food and chatted and listened to them play music. It was all wonderful. Then the musicians from the teteria came over and we ate more and drank more and sang bob marely songs and improvised and it was beautiful. There are times in my life, times which are increasing, where i absolutely cannot believe I am living. And then I relax and it just flows through me. Life is just full of these moments where we need to stop and absorb, to just let go and take in all that is around us, to accept that it is fleeting and live all that we can. I walked home with laney and the musicians half way. Then I walked the rest of the way by myself amongst drunken musicians, students and poets. No cars in sight. It was just us and the stars.
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